Are You Worried Your Child May Have an Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Does your son or daughter have trouble socializing, forming relationships or playing with other children? Do you struggle to make an emotional connection with your child or feel that their communication skills or language development is lagging?


Is your child demonstrating repetitive behaviors, such as persistent hand flapping, rocking or spinning in circles? Do you want to better understand your child’s behaviors and challenges and equip them with the tools, strategies, and resources needed for a better life?  

Perhaps your son or daughter has difficulty adjusting to changes in routines or environments to the extent that they become disruptive or meltdown in public. Or, it could be that your child already has an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis and you want to know how you could better help them and improve their quality of life.

If you are raising a child with autism or you suspect your child may have an autism spectrum disorder, trying to decode and manage their behavior can be exhausting. You may be dedicating so much time to your child’s needs that you’re neglecting your career, marriage or even your health. You may even feel powerless or hopeless because everything you have tried so far just doesn’t work.

Regardless of your child’s situation or diagnosis status, autism testing can provide you with answers which lead to solutions. Would you like to understand your child’s challenges and equip them with the tools, strategies, and resources needed for a better life?

Autism Is Becoming Increasingly Prevalent in the US

Raising a child can present many complex challenges for parents. However, if you are struggling to help your child reach their fullest potential after an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) diagnosis, you are not alone. Any child can be born with autism, regardless of race, culture, upbringing or socioeconomic background.

In a 2018 report, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that 1 in 59 eight-year-old children had been diagnosed with ASD. And, this statistic might actually underrepresent the ASD’s commonality, as some parents are afraid that a diagnosis would mean having their children labeled.

Early detection is imperative for improving your child’s quality of life. Research indicates that children who have access to the proper resources and accommodations are much more likely to reach their fullest potential than those who do not. And, every year that goes by without treatment or support is potentially another year that your child could be left behind socially, academically or linguistically. I understand that, as a parent, all you want to do is help your child be their best self.

Fortunately, an autism evaluation from a qualified psychologist can help you do just that. With the insight and information gained from our work together, you can discover a world of resources and support for your entire family.

An Autism Evaluation Can Offer You Clarity And Direction

Having your child tested for ASD or any other developmental disorder can equip you with the strategies and resources needed to finally understand and overcome the challenges your child faces. Testing can also provide documentation of the need for school accommodations or special services and a targeted treatment plan that can actually create sustainable results. With a psychologist who specializes in ASD, we can offer you an evaluation that provides answers to your questions and relief from the uncertainty.

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We’ll begin the evaluation process by inviting you and your child to my office for an intake meeting. We do this in order to begin building a rapport with your child and to let them familiarize themselves with the environment before we delve into testing. In order to design an evaluation that will answer all of your questions, You’ll also be asked a series of questions identifying your concerns, as well as your child’s strengths and weaknesses.

One tool that is often a part of the evaluation process is the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule Second Edition or ADOS-2. This assessment is considered the gold standard in testing for autism as it allows the examiner to observe the child’s social interaction, communication, and play skills. Your child’s evaluation will be comprehensive and will also include assessments in other areas such as cognitive skills, behavior, social skills, and self-help skills. 

By completing a comprehensive evaluation, we will be able to design a treatment plan that is specific to your child’s needs. For instance, if your child plays alone or has trouble making friends, we can work on improving their social skills so they can enjoy more frequent and less distressing interaction. Or, if your child is rigidly resistant to changes in routine, they may be able to learn coping strategies to increase their tolerance levels so that changes in structure or routine don’t disrupt things. We may also determine that your child would benefit from services from other professionals, such as speech therapists, occupational therapists, or behavior analysts. 

Dr. Tanner has specialized training in autism diagnosis and intervention. She has worked in an autism clinic and at a residential school for students with autism. So, she knows firsthand how autism affects the child as well as the family. No matter how difficult your situation is or where your child falls on the spectrum, we are committed to identifying the solutions and support they need to thrive.

I am considering autism testing, but I still have a few concerns…

I don’t think my kid’s challenges are “that bad.”

Children—especially young children—rarely know exactly how to express their thoughts and feelings. Even if your child has not communicated great distress, it’s possible that they are facing other hardships.

Also, consider what brought you to this page. Chances are, something has sparked your concern for your child’s social, academic and personal wellbeing. Autism exists on a spectrum, and even if your child is on the “mild” end, getting them help now could help them immensely in the future.

No matter what, testing can offer peace of mind and allow you to focus on parenting rather than wondering.

I am afraid of the label that will be placed on my child.

Getting a psychological evaluation to test for autism is not about labeling your child. It’s about getting them the help they need to be successful children and, one day, successful adults. Unlike school evaluations, testing in our office is confidential and you share the results only with the individuals with whom you’d like to share the results. 

In some cases, testing may reveal that you child does not have an ASD. Rather, it may be that they are dealing with ADHD, a sensory processing disorder or a learning disability. In these cases, I can recommend interventions and accommodations to help them succeed in and out of the classroom.

As a parent, you can take advantage of various support services, including your community’s support and parent groups. You can have increased access to speech therapists, behavioral therapists or other specialists who can address your child’s challenges directly. Once you get over the fear of labels, you can use these resources to enhance your ability to navigate future challenges on your own.

I already know my kid is probably on the spectrum, so why invest in an autism evaluation?

Even if your child has already been diagnosed, it is a good idea to have them reevaluated every few years. Their strengths and weakness may change over time and the information gathered from the evaluation can help with treatment planning.

In some cases, schools, insurance providers and other programs may also require up-to-date testing. Regardless of your child’s specific symptoms, an autism assessment can decode unexplained behavior and uncover the true nature of the challenges your child is facing.

Help Is Available for Parents of Children With Autism

If you would like to understand and help your child overcome the challenges they face, our practice can help. Please call 404 491 1684 or email me at for a free, 15-minute consultation.


Brandi Tanner, Ph.D., NCSP


Dr. Tanner provides comprehensive psychological and psychoeducational evaluations to assess learning, emotional, and behavioral concerns in children and adolescents.

SPECIALTY AREAS: Autism, ADHD, Specific Learning Disorder, Anxiety, Depression, learning problems, behavioral problems